发行说明 – Maven 3.6.2

Apache Maven 团队宣布发布 Maven 3.6.2。

Maven 3.6.2可供下载

Maven 是一个软件项目管理和理解工具。基于项目对象模型 (POM) 的概念,Maven 可以从一个中心位置管理项目的构建、报告和文档。





本新闻稿的问题记者:Benoit GUERIN、Christian Schulte、Elliotte Rusty Harold、Falko Modler、Francesco Chicchiriccò、Guillaume Nodet、guofei、Joseph Walton、Louis Mills、Mark Derricutt、Mark McKelvy、Mickael Istria、Nicolas Echegut、Nicolas Radde、Raphael Rösch , Ray Tsang, Robert Thornton, Rohan Padhye, Sergey Chernov, Stefan Oehme, Thibaud Lepretre, zhb。

此版本的代码贡献者:Guillaume Nodet、Mickael Istria、Ray Tsang、Stefan Oehme、Joseph Walton、Bo Zhang、AElMehdi、Christian Schulte、毛帅、MartinKanters、Sergey Chernov、Jesse Glick。




  • 此版本主要关注性能改进、更好的内存占用和更少的 CPU 使用率。

  • 我们正在继续将 Maven Core 转换为使用 JSR 330 注释而不是 Plexus(仍未完成,请参阅MNG-5577)。

  • 对“发布”限定符的新支持(请参阅MNG-6655)。

  • toolchain.xml 文件支持环境变量(参见MNG-6665)。



[MNG-6680] - Convert Maven Settings Builder to JSR 330
[MNG-6685] - Convert Maven Model Builder to JSR 330
[MNG-6686] - Convert Maven Embedder to JSR 330


[MNG-6375] - NullPointerException when pom.xml has incomplete XML tag
[MNG-6626] - NullPointerException in DefaultExceptionHandler
[MNG-6629] - DefaultModelValidator.validateId is inefficient
[MNG-6630] - ComparableVersion.parseVersion is inefficient
[MNG-6631] - DefaultArtifactVersion.parseVersion is inefficient
[MNG-6632] - ArtifactHandlerManager.getArtifactHandler is inefficient
[MNG-6633] - ExcludesArtifactFilter is a memory hog
[MNG-6636] - NPE on reporting convertion (DefaultReportingConverter) when inheritance of with no reports
[MNG-6639] - Child inherit.append.path attributes not defined in Maven POM XSD
[MNG-6642] - Tycho-based modules do not build with 3.6.1 (works with 3.6.0)
[MNG-6643] - Version comparison CLI does not work anymore
[MNG-6644] - NPE in DefaultReportingConverter when reports has no InputLocation (using polyglot Maven)
[MNG-6647] - NPE in DefaultReportingConverter (when reports injected by Repaint IO maven-tiles)
[MNG-6653] - DefaultProjectBuildingRequest copy constructor does not copy all fields
[MNG-6668] - Model location handling uses too much memory
[MNG-6669] - Tycho cannot resolve project dependencies
[MNG-6700] - Equal compile source roots are added multiple times
[MNG-6703] - DefaultUrlNormalizer doesn't normalize all relative URIs
[MNG-6704] - MavenRepositorySystemUtils.newSession() misses assignment
[MNG-6707] - Maven XML parser does not accept '>' in XML processing instructions
[MNG-6712] - Downgrade maven-resolver:1.4.0 to 1.3.3
[MNG-6713] - Fix ExclusionArtifactFilter to respect wildcard
[MNG-6716] - relative testSourceDirectory on macos throw duplicate class error
[MNG-6720] - MultiThreadedBuilder: wait for parallel running projects when using --fail-fast
[MNG-6723] - MavenProject.getParentFile() not set when using ProjectBuilder.build(List<File>, ...)


[MNG-6069] - Migrate to non deprecated parts of Commons CLI
[MNG-6638] - Prevent reparsing POMs in MavenMetadataSource
[MNG-6655] - Add support for "release" qualifier
[MNG-6665] - toolchain.xml file should support environment variables
[MNG-6667] - Hint at Maven upgrade requirement when trying to build a pom.xml with a newer modelVersion
[MNG-6675] - Make Resolver debug log messages for projects and plugins consistent
[MNG-6695] - Improve speed in collection merging
[MNG-6696] - Speed improvements while parsing big reactor projects
[MNG-6697] - Add a fast interpolator not using reflection
[MNG-6698] - Lazily compute the ManagedVersionMap
[MNG-6701] - Document maven.repo.local system property
[MNG-6702] - Improve DefaultModelValidator performance
[MNG-6705] - Speep up Artifact version check and Parent interpolation
[MNG-6718] - Upgrade Plexus Utils to 3.2.1
[MNG-6729] - StringSearchModelInterpolator introspects objects from Java API
[MNG-6747] - Generalize 'resume from' message when build reactor fails


[MNG-6535] - Improve test coverage of org.apache.maven.model.path.DefaultUrlNormalizer


[MNG-6681] - improve documentation: dependency type = file classifier(optional)+extension + additional hints on dependency features


[MNG-6549] - Remove unused transitive dependencies of Guava
[MNG-6627] - upgrade plexus-component-metadata to 2.0.0 to get reproducible META-INF/plexus/components.xml
[MNG-6646] - Upgrade maven-assembly-plugin to 3.1.1
[MNG-6671] - Upgrade Modello to 1.11
[MNG-6674] - Upgrade Wagon to 3.3.3
[MNG-6738] - Upgrade maven-resolver to 1.4.1


